
DW001 Keys to Success (Flute) - Wiggins, A./Cozens, P.


Fun Duets

Keys to Success is a series of duets written specifically to encourage students to learn to play in a range of keys in a fun way. The emphasis is on enjoyment and puts tunes at the top of the agenda. Each section has short finger warm-ups which highlight the important notes related to each key. By alternating between the duets and warm-ups we believe that students will be helped to make the important connection between learning a variety of different finger patterns and playing with increased fluency. The chapters of the book cover all major and minor keys to three sharps and two flats, and some chromatics - useful for all students from Elementary to Intermediate level. The duets are also great for sight reading at all grades. 

Grading: 1 to 3

Duration: Various

Composer: Wiggns, A./Cozens, P.

Instrumentation: Flute/Flute Duet: Fl./2 Fls.

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